===== How To Install The Squeeze Community Respository on VortexBox 2.3 and 2.4 ===== The Squeeze Community Repository maintains Fedora 20 and Fedora 23 packages for Logitech Media Server, SqueezeLite, and other a/v packages. It provides fairly recent versions of LMS 7.9 originating from the [[http://downloads.slimdevices.com/nightly/?ver=7.9|Slim Devices nightly repository]]. The primary reason for installing the Squeeze Community repository on VortexBox 2.3 or 2.4 is to obtain a relatively recent version of LMS 7.9. For example, the current version of LMS in the [[http://yum.vortexbox.org/releases/23/x86_64/RPMS|VB 2.4 repository]] is the Feruary 20, 2016 snapshot of LMS 7.9. The current version of LMS in the [[http://www.squeezecommunity.org/repo/fedora/23/x86_64|Squeeze Community Fedora 23 repository]] is the May 29, 2016 snapshot of LMS 7.9 (as of June 6, 2016). The current version of LMS in the [[http://yum.vortexbox.org/releases/20/i386/RPMS|VB 2.3 repository]] is LMS 7.8. The current version of LMS in the [[http://www.squeezecommunity.org/repo/fedora/20/i386|Squeeze Community Fedora 20 repository]] is the May 29, 2016 snapshot of LMS 7.9 (as of June 6, 2016). ==== Instructions for VortexBox 2.3 (Fedora 20) ==== 1. Login to your VortexBox. 2. Install the Squeeze Community Fedora 20 repository. Enter yum install http://www.squeezecommunity.org/repo/fedora/20/i386/squeezecommunity-repo-1-5.fc20.noarch.rpm 3. Update VortexBox to LMS, SqueezeLite, etc. from Squeeze Community F20 repo: yum clean all; yum update 4. Check the status of LMS: systemctl -l status squeezeboxserver 5. Start LMS if it's not running: systemctl start squeezeboxserver ==== Instructions for VortexBox 2.4 (Fedora 23) ==== 1. Login to your VortexBox. 2. Install the Squeeze Community Fedora 23 repository. Enter dnf install http://www.squeezecommunity.org/repo/fedora/23/x86_64/squeezecommunity-repo-1-6.fc23.noarch.rpm 3. Update VortexBox to LMS, Squeezelite, etc. from the Squeeze Community F23 repo: dnf clean all; dnf update 4. Check the status of LMS: systemctl -l status squeezeboxserver 5. Start LMS if it's not running: systemctl start squeezeboxserver